Our SINGAPOURIEN RÉEQUILIBRANT massage is just what you need!
This deep, atypical massage will take you on a journey through 3 cultures. It is based on the best techniques from China, Malaysia and India. Working from the top to the bottom of the body, it focuses on energies. Particular attention is paid to the emotional centre, with a deep belly massage that calms tension and promotes a feeling of liberation. The gestures are precise, chasing and pressing, targeting emotional tensions.
The precise, rhythmic and powerful movements, combined with the use of the Kansu Bowl to massage the feet using an ancient Indian technique, dissipate fatigue and rebalance your whole being. Finally, a massage of the face and arms completes the moment, leaving you enveloped in a feeling of deep relaxation.
Want to relax for a massage? Book your SINGAPOURIEN REEQUILIBRANT. massage session now.